Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 17, 2012


I love my daddy. He's such a great man. He's always been there for me. He's always provided for our family. He's always made jokes and laughed with us. He thinks he's the coolest guy around, and I think he may be right (shhh, don't tell!). He still gives me the "eagle," which I love and hate all at the same time. He loves camping, and so do I. He's taught me so much about decision making. He loves me. He really is just a great daddy. He's always there for a hug, a kiss, a smile. He makes the best steaks you have ever eaten...no, seriously, I won't order steaks from resturants any more, because they never measure up! He tries to pretend that he wants nothing to do with Natalee, but we all know it's a cover up! He is tender-hearted (another thing he tries to cover up). He loves us and that is all that matters.
Taken last year on our vacation...it was super hot!
Taken on Memorial Day 2012
First time for Natalee to go fishing. :)
Taken about 3 years ago...

Natalee has also been blessed with the best dad around. We are so glad God chose us to be his family. He works hard and provides for our family. He is supportive of me being a stay at home mom. He loves Jesus. He spends quality time with Natalee. He is a leader. He is going to school full time, and will graduate with his masters in December. He never ceases to amaze me. He is the most self-less person I know. He loves the outdoors. He is romantic. He loves us. He protects us. He is the perfect man. He cooks. Even better, he bakes! He is a friend to anyone. He has a heart for the poor and homeless. He is the spiritual leader God has called him to be. He is fun. He is adventurous. He is smart. He loves us and that is all that matters.

Father's day this year was a little uneventful. Bed rest kind of puts a hitch in your giddy
up. Jeremy took Natalee to church, I was so sad to miss it. We did go out to eat for lunch., and a yummy chinese food resturant. Jeremy got to pick out his own gift, since I couldn't go shopping. At least I know he loves it! He is a great father and deserves more than what we could do and give him. We love our daddy!
"A righteous man who walks in his integrity, how blessed are his sons after him." Proverbs 20:7

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