Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 29, 2011

18 Months

Yep, you guessed it, my little lady is now 18 months old! That's a year and a half for those of you who don't like to do math! I cannot believe how big she is getting. Here are 18 fun Natalee facts at 18 months:

1. She is very strong-willed, and knows what she wants. I'm praying this quality will actually stick with her, because it means NO one will convince her to do something she doesn't want to. :)
2. She is very smart. I'm not talking like..."I need to say that because she is my kid smart," I'm talking VERY smart, bias aside! She can talk better than most 4 year olds, and isn't afraid to communicate exactly what she needs.
3. She is very busy. She is a non-stop ball of excitement! She keeps us all on our toes, and you never know what crazy thing she will be doing next.
4. She is a little mommy. She loves all things baby! She will make a great big sister someday.
5. Girly Girly Girly!! She loves her bows, shoes, purses, and bracelets!! Such a little girly girl...and I'm so glad!
6. Her favorite thing: OWLS! She is obsessed with them! I'm not sure how or why this happened but it did! Everything she sees is an owl....buttons (owls eyes) bird in the sky (owl) stuffed animals (owl)....
7. She is already allowing Jesus to work in her! She loves to pray before we eat....and will ask for it if we accidentally forgot...and wants to read her Bible every night before bed. She will say "amen" at the end of the prayer and she can fill in a lot of the words to Jesus Loves Me.
8. She is a daddy's girl! She loves that man, and I can't blame her! I love the way she runs to him yelling, "daddy, daddy" when he comes home from work.
9. She loves the water. She would spend all day out there is I would let her! Sprinklers, water hoses, pools, puddles, you name it...she wants to play in it!
10. She loves to eat! Food is her favorite F word...and it better stay that way for a LONG LONG time! There is nothing she won't eat!
11. She is so sweet! She has such good manners, and will say "please" and "thank you" all on her own! She's also good at saying "yes ma'am" and "sorry."
12. She loves puzzles, blocks and coloring. I think she is going to be left-handed....and artsy.
13. She loves reading books. She gets this from her father! She will read to her babies, read to herself, and bring books for you to read to her! I'm so glad she loves books, and look forward to many library trips.
14. She loves animals! The zoo is one of her favorite places! She knows all of their names and all of their sounds!
15. "Poppysicle" (Popsicles) are her summer-time favorites!
16. She loves her blanket....and her thumb too!
17. She sleeps very well...and I am so grateful for that!
18. Last but not least, she loves me! She tells me so, and it melts my heart!

I look forward to the next 18 months (plus) and seeing her grow even more into a child of God. She is amazing and I am so proud of her already!

"Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14


Little Mommy!

Sweet Girl!

So over pictures!