Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 30, 2013

8 Months

I can't believe I am about to begin writing about your 8th month of life. Mind blown. Denial. Seriously?
Yep, it is taking place as I type and I still don't believe it.
8 whole months. It just doesn't seem real. This has probably been one of my favorite months so far. So many little milestones. So much personality. So, here it goes...
Hello there, Sargent Carter. We get it, you run this joint. You are continuously bossing people around with your "cocky" raised eyebrows and stare. You look at people like, "Do you really think that face is going to make me smile, silly human?" You crack me up. You growl and boss with your little voice. It is hilarious. You started sitting up alone this month and you love it. You love being able to see more and watch more. You look at me like, "See what I can do?!" You love to grab and reach for things on the floor and bring it up to your mouth for a little taste test. You are still so strong. You have a grip that would scare a gorilla, I am sure of it. You stand so well and really get the johnny jump up going. You really started laughing well this month too, when you finally decide something is funny enough to put forth the effort. I love your little laugh and big grin. You know your name and will turn your head to see who is calling you. You are definitely a people watcher. You tried lots of new foods this month and liked them all. You do like it better if it is warmed up, can't blame you on that one. On March 4th you tried apples and blueberries, on the 6th you tried mixed berries with bananas, on the 6th you tried butternut squash, the 19th you tried apricots, and on the 22nd you tried oatmeal with raspberries. You wore your first size three diapers on the 17th. Growing boy. You weigh 17 pounds even. You have come such a long way from 4 pounds 6 ounces. :) You are still wearing 3-6 month jammies, but I have been buying 6-9 month clothes for you for summer. You do fit into 6-9 month stuff, but it is definitely baggy. I really think by your first birthday, you will be caught up size wise. You went to the church nursery for Sunday school AND church service for the first time on March 3rd. The nursery workers cannot get enough of you and were so excited for us to leave you a little longer. You have learned lots of new "words" this month. You started saying "da-da" on March 21st. Now, you make all kinds of other noises and talk constantly. You still remind me so much of your sister. Everyone (on my side of the family) says you look exactly like your Great Uncle Rusty. I think you act just like him for sure! I can see resemblance in baby pictures. I am not quite sure who I think you look like. I see different people in you at different times. Some times it is Natalee, some it is your daddy and other times it is your brother. For the most part, I just see Aiden...the Sargent. LOL. You can hold your own bottle now, which makes mommy happy and sad. One step to independence, one step away from "baby." I still like to hold you while you eat, although it is nice, at times, on the hectic days to be able to make you a bottle and get a couple other things accomplished as well. You eat four, six ounce bottles a day. This was the first month to be full-time formula fed. I was very sad, but just wasn't producing enough, and nothing I tried helped to produce more. I know it is not the end of the world. I know you are still getting the nutrition you need, but it was still hard to let that go. I am thankful for the time that I was able to breastfeed though. You are the sweet. You are adorable. You are loved.

Hello there, Bear Boy. Our little snuggle bug. You would lay around all day and snuggle if you could. You smile at anything and everything. You look at people like, "Look at me, I will smile at you!" You crack me up. You coo and flirt with your sweet little voice. It is so funny! You started sitting up alone this month and you love it. You are still okay with just laying around though, so we have had to work with you a little more, ya know, to get you to use a muscle or something. You love to grab and reach for things on the floor and bring it up to your mouth for a little taste test. You love the johnny jump up and even manage to burn some calories while you are in there. You really starting laughing this month and you are very ticklish. You will laugh at the slightest touch to your ribs or feet or collar bone or thighs. LOL. I love your little laugh and huge grin. You tried lots of new foods this month and liked them all. You do like it better if it is warmed up, can't blame you on that one. On March 4th you tried apples and blueberries, on the 6th you tried mixed berries with bananas, on the 6th you tried butternut squash, the 19th you tried apricots, and on the 22nd you tried oatmeal with raspberries. You wore your first size three diapers on the 17th. Growing boy. You weigh 18 pounds 5 ounces. You have come such a long way from 5 pounds 2 ounces. :) You are still wearing 3-6 month jammies, but I have been buying 6-9 month clothes for you for summer. You do fit into 6-9 month stuff, but it is definitely baggy. I really think by your first birthday, you will be caught up size wise. You went to the church nursery for Sunday school AND church service for the first time on March 3rd. The nursery workers cannot get enough of you and were so excited for us to leave you a little longer. You learned a couple new sounds this month, but mainly just sing and coo still, with a few squeals every now and then. Everyone (on my side of the family) says you look just like your Grumps and Uncle Drew. I couldn't agree more and have said you looked like Grumps since very early on. I also see your Great Grandma (Jeremy's Grandmother) at times as well. I think it is your big blue eyes that remind me of my dad and brother (and more of myself). You can hold your own bottle now, which makes mommy happy and sad. One step to independence, one step away from "baby." I still like to hold you while you eat, although it is nice, at times, on the hectic days to be able to make you a bottle and get a couple other things accomplished as well. You eat four, six ounce bottles a day. This was the first month to be full-time formula fed. I was very sad, but just wasn't producing enough, and nothing I tried helped to produce more. I know it is not the end of the world. I know you are still getting the nutrition you need, but it was still hard to let that go. I am thankful for the time that I was able to breastfeed though. You are the sweet. You are adorable. You are loved.

You have grown up so much this month too. You have started ballet, which you are over the moon about. You love it and I love watching you at it too. You can now buckle yourself into your car seat. This was a big accomplishment, because now mommy doesn't have to reach over one of brother's car seats and into the backseat to buckle you up. I am so proud of you. You are learning your letters so well. You know all of them by sight and are now finding and pointing them out to me while we are driving, are in the grocery store, or are reading books. SO smart. You can write you name and pretty darn well, if I do say so myself. I was just curious, wrote your name down, and told you to copy it and you did. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Everyday. By something. You amaze me. You love wearing footie pajamas so you can "match your baby brudders," so I have had to buy some footie jammies in bulk here lately. You really are obsessed and pitch a fit if we try to put you in something else. LOL. You really started playing with your baby dolls a lot more this month. You have always played with them, but now you are shadowing what I do with Aiden and Barrett a lot more on your dolls. Your favorite doll is Gracie and now you have named another doll Jeremy. You say that they are twins. You also sleep every night with them and another baby named Kirkland. You named all of these babies yourself. I love it. You got to go and see the Little Mermaid this month. You were beside yourself and loved every minute of it. You also sang the solo louder than the actress herself and we were on the front row too. You got to meet Ariel and Cinderella in the SAME day, so that was a big deal. Cinderella was at the mall, along with a face painter, so we just made a princess day of it. You had a blast and I loved seeing your little face light up when you met them. You are learning and growing so much. You started praying for specific people this month. It is so adorable. We let you pick out three people to pray for at night. You love it and remind us of it if we accidentally forget. It is so sweet to hear your prayers. There are many times I tear up with joy. Melt. My. Heart. You also love to read from your Bible and always say that we have to "read this one first" before any of the other books that you picked out for bed time. There are so many times that I feel that I am not getting to spend much time with you, or making good use of the spare time I do have. For that, I am sorry. Just know that your mommy loves you more that you will ever know and I am so proud of you and who you are becoming. You are sweet. You are adorable. You are loved.

This has really been the first month that I am starting to feel "normal" again, whatever that is. LOL. I have a great schedule down and am beginning to have more "free" time. I have lost 19 pounds so far (37 total since the boys birth) and am very proud of myself. I have gone down 3 sizes and can fit into the fourth size smaller, but it is still a little tight. I am trying to regain control over many different issues that have spiraled since the birth of the twins. We are eating healthier, really just doing portion sizes, we have always eaten pretty well. I am trying to exercise more, but still find it hard to find the time for it on a regular basis. Jeremy and I took a Dave Ramsey class and learned a lot and were reminded of how God truly wants us to live. A slap in the face that was needed. We are in a lot of debt because of medical bills, but God has been faithful to us, as always, and we know that some day, we will be free from those chains. A lot has happened in the last 8 months, but I am confident that there is a reason for it all, and God's timing and purpose will be revealed. In all reality, we have it pretty easy. I have friends that I just wish only had medical bills as their only problem. We are healthy, we are loved and we are blessed.