Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Birthday Extravaganza

Well, today is my baby's second birthday! It is hard to believe! Here is a picture of her on the day we brought her home from the hospital. We didn't find out the sex of the baby, so to find out she was a girl was SO fun! Her Grammie had fun shopping for her, and bought her this ladybug outfit and blanket to come home in!
We decorated the nursery after I had the baby, because I didn't want a gender neutral nursery. If it was a girl, ladybug was the theme, and if it would have been a boy, it would have been pirates. (Hints the newborn decked out in ladybug!) She was a ladybug for her first halloween, and her first birthday was ladybug themed! Her second birthday party is in owls this year, (she is obsessed with them!) but I still had to make her a ladybug outfit for her to wear on her actual birthday! Besides that, I am addicted to making these little pants now, and wanted an excuse to make another pair...not to mention that since I have had my embroidery machine, I had YET to make a ladybug shirt for her!! I figured this was the best time to bust out a complete outfit!
I didn't really get a good picture of her in the outfit, she doesn't stand still for even a minute, so I posted the above picture for you to see the whole thing.
Her birthday started off with mommy and daddy singing to her as she woke up. She was so excited, and smiled the whole time. Her hair was crazy, and she had on her new cupcake jammies just for the occasion.
We then ventured on to Bagel Place (this was really more for mommy and daddy...shhh, don't tell!). She really does love their breakfast tacos and "donuts" (bagels)...and I love that they are only $2 a piece and HOME MADE...in your face McDonalds!
We then headed off for a day of discovery at the Discovery Center. We still have our family membership, so this didn't cost us anything! They have changed it up quite a bit since the last we visited, but she still had tons of fun!
We then went home to take  nap! We can't have a cranky birthday girl! After naptime was over, we grabbed a bite to eat at Chick-Fila! They have the best chicken...and we had coupons!
Now, for the most important part of the day....CUPCAKES! We went to the Ruffled Cup. This was the first time we had been there. There cupcakes were amazing, but VERY rich! Natalee didn't seem to mind though. She picked out one with white frosting and sprinkles.
It was such a beautiful day outside! We brought some bread from home, and went to the park to feed the ducks. Now. apparently Amarillo has really slacked off this winter, because we were swarmed with ducks everywhere! They were so hungry! Natalee had a blast throwing little pieces out to them, and really wanted to 'pet' them. I didn't think that was such a good idea since they were so hungry...and she is so sweet!
We ended our day with a new puzzle game on numbers. It was a little over her head, but it won't be for long. She recognized the number one everytime...and the numbers two and three about 85 percent of the time. She is a smart little thing.
We had a great day with our little lady! We were so glad to have daddy at home that day too, but only because his car broke down. $428 later, the car is fixed, and the day is over. Happy Birthday Natalee Grace! We love you!

At two years old you can:
  1. Say most of your ABC's.
  2. Sing ring around the rosey.
  3. Count to 5 all of the time, and 10 most of the time.
  4. Say that you had an accident.
  5. 'Read' the story of Baby Jesus.
  6. Recognize the letters A B C E L M O Q R S W X Y Z.
  7. Understands the concept of the number two. (ex: "I have 2 babies mommy!" "I see 2 friends mommy!")
  8. Can tell you the weather outside: raining, snowing, windy, hot, and cold.
  9. Understands the concepts of under, over, up, down, and turn around.
10. You know and can point out the colors: blue, pink, purple, white, brown, black, red, orange, yellow, and green.
11. You know the shapes: circle, square, triangle, heart and star.
12. Sing: Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and most of the ABC's.
13. She knows the difference between her food being hot, a little warm, and too cold.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun day!! Wow, you DO have a smart cookie on your hands!!
