Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 9, 2011


I don't think I have ever been excited to be the "ugliest" of anything, but tonight was the Christmas party for Boys Ranch, and it was an ugly Christmas sweater event. WE were the ugliest! YAY! It was such a fun party! Finally, one that I don't have to worry about what everyone else will be wearing, and if I will be over or under dressed! Everyone looked like crap, and it was awesome! We ventured to our local thrift store, and bought two of the ugliest sweaters...all for the low low price of $3.01. Not only did I not have to worry about what to wear, but I also did not have to spend $50 just to go! Double YAY! Anyway, here is the ugly proof....
He left the bottom button open on purpose!

Just in case the front wasn't ugly enough!

I felt like a grandma....



1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha ha!!!! I have never been to a party like that, but have always wanted to. Maybe next year our Sunday school class can do something like that. Oh! And congratulations for being absolutely hideous!!! LOL!!!
