My pigtailed girl! |
On another note, Jeremy and I are about to take the Dave Ramsey class, "Financial Peace." I'm nervous and excited about this new adventure. We haven't had any financial goals in what feels like forever. Jeremy has a new job now, and I would like to stay at home too. We know that we need to get our finances back in control for any of this to take place. Our church is offering this class, and I am super pumped about it! I'm a little nervous on what they may say that we need to get "rid" of in order to save properly, but I am always up for a challenge. We need help, because we want to be good stewards of God's money, and to be able to teach Natalee how to manage it well! I will keep you updated on how this all goes!! We are also looking into college tuition for Natalee. There is a program (Texas Tuition Promise Fund) that lets you start paying for their college tuition now! It is expensive, but if you do it, you pay for tuition as it costs today...not the cost that it will be in another 18 years when she is going to school. This would help us save a lot of money. I don't know....just a thought, we shall see what it becomes.
Stewardship Prayer
0 God, I resolve to put You first in my life.I recognize that You have blessed me with all that I have and all that I am.
As your steward, I resolve to sacrifice when necessary but always to do so out of a spirit of sincere love, just as your Son, Jesus, did for me.
I humbly accept the challenge to share from my means rather than from my excess.
I recognize that being a good steward is nothing more than being truly Christian.
Dear God, I resolve, to be generous with my time, talent and treasure, giving in proportion to the gifts I have been given.
I commit myself to taking care of my body and all of creation.
I know there will be times when I will fall to be a good steward, but I pledge to keep on trying.
I will confidently live each day with a spirit of true peace and joy in knowing that I am doing your will. Amen
This is my prayer...that God would help lead, guide, and direct us into His perfect plan for our lives, and that I would be open and willing to follow.
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