Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So, Jeremy and I are now in the Financial Peace class, and we are LOVING it thus far! We feel so much more focused on our finances already (which I may have already said!). One of the reasons we are taking the time now to invest in our finances is because this will be my last year of work!! Yes, you read that right, as of Christmas break 2011, I will be a stay at home mommy!! I cannot express how truly happy and excited I am about this! Of course, this is all GOD willing, but I feel that the timing is right so far! So, in order to prepare for the cut in our budget, we are paying off debt! In fact, I am about to pay off our CAR in just a few more minutes!! What a wonderful feeling! That will be $172 a month that we will have extra (and my extra, I mean deposited into a savings account!!)...not to mention the fact that we have only had that car since November, so we are also saving a bundle on interest by paying it off 4 years early! Thank you GOD!! Anyway, back to the main reason for this post.

I have (as of Monday) started a new cleaning schedule. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am pretty much a clean freak, and not having my house the way I feel it should be REALLY drives me crazy! From helpful tips from friends, I've come up with a daily "chore" list. I'm going to post it on here...to help keep me accountable, and just in case I lose the paper copy, I will have a back-up:

Monday: Deep Clean the Kitchen, Wash Socks/Undies/Towels, Clean the family room
Tuesday: Deep Clean the Bathrooms, Wash the whites
Wednesday: Clean the dining room/living room, Wash the darks
Thursday: Deep clean Natalee's nursery (including toys to the tub for bleaching...which is currently happening now!) Wash Natalee's clothes
Friday: Clean the bedrooms (Guest room and our bedroom), Wash sheets, Clean the office

There...I said it....it's now in writing! So far this week, I am right on schedule. The only other goal is...once you have cleaned the room, keep it cleaned. So for example, Monday I cleaned the kitchen, so before we went to bed on Monday, I made sure the sink was emptied, cabinets were wiped, etc. Tuesday, I cleaned the bathroom, and then before bed, made sure everything was still picked up in the bathroom....and in the kitchen....see the point? I'm doing this that way by the time Friday rolls around, I will have the whole weekend to relax and enjoy a clean house...meaning more quality time with family, and less stress about cleaning! YAY! This is preparing me for my stay at home journey. I know that it will be important to me to have a clean house and have supper on the table, something that has always been important to me, but even more so when this is my only "job." So, it may sound a little like Cinderella, but I don't have a big fancy dress waiting for me at the end, although I do have my prince charming, and am so blessed by his love, it's a little ridiculous!

I'm really trying to focus on being a better steward of not only our money, but of our belongings, my time with God, and of my time in general! Speaking of time...the toys need to be rinsed!

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5


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