Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All Grown Up

Yesterday (3rd) Natalee and I spent some time outside. It was a beautiful January day, and we didn't even need jackets! I had fun taking pictures of her (as always), and we blew some bubbles too! She loved looking at the bubbles, and watching them blow away in the wind. Just in the last week and a half, she has started saying balloon, bubble, and diaper! She is just too smart! I caught her saying ball and bubble on the video that I posted!! I just love watching her learn and explore. She is such a sponge, soaking in everything around her. This makes me think of how I need to be with Jesus....soaking in all the the things that He has blessed me with, and soaking in His word for spiritual growth. Child-like faith at it's best...

January 4th
Natalee's first day in the one year old room at St. Paul's CDO was today! The best part, I got to move up with her!! YAY! Thank you Lord for yet again providing for us! She had a great day, and LOVED going to the gym. She walked in and out of the big plastic playhouse, and really liked looking through all of the windows! She ate at the "big" girl table and drank out of her big girl cup, which she has been doing for forever! Anyway, all in all it was a great first day! I'm really glad that I got to move up with her and am so thankful that I get to spend every day with her. I just don't want to miss a moment, because it goes by so fast!

"I thank God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3

Who is that standing in front of me?

Taking a stroll!

Doll Face!

Watching the bubbles!

1st time on the wagon at CDO!


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