Wow. What a rough couple of days I have had. I got the flu! The only other time I have had the flu was when I was pregnant with Natalee. It is no fun being sick while you are pregnant. Luckily, my husband was able to stay home from work on Thursday, and I literally laid in bed for 24 hours straight (minus potty breaks, puking breaks, and cracker eating breaks). I felt like I might die. Finally today, I am feeling a little more normal. I am so glad to be on the tail end of this.
On Sunday, I will be 12 weeks pregnant with the twins! I can't believe three months has already passed by. We have SO much to do, and time is not on our side! We go back to the doctor on March 8th. I am so ready to hear the heartbeats and to check up on them. Our next sonogram won't be until 18 weeks. I was really bummed to find that out. I figured that it would be more frequent since there are two of them, but nope, I was wrong. I am very anxious to get the next appointment "out of the way." I am ready to hear both of their heartbeats, going strong, and then I think I will feel like I can breathe a little more.
We have pretty much done nothing since finding out we were going to have twins. I think we are still in shock and overload mode. It is wearing off, a little. I have looked up car seats, and that alone comes with a $500 price tag, OUCH! I have looked up Natalee's crib, and have it in my cart, ready to buy. I was so glad to see that they still had the same one for sale. I have been stalking craigslist and ebay and amazon everyday trying to find good deals on stuff. We have an Eddie Bauer wooden highchair that I love, and I am hoping to find another one, used...hence the stalking.
There is a lot of new territory that comes along with expecting twins. I think I want a "recliner" type chair in the nursery, instead of a glider. I would think I would be able to hold them better and longer together in a bigger chair. Nursing will especially be challenging, and I don't want to run out of room, and be stuck on my bed every three hours. I haven't looked into pricing on those yet. I am still in sticker shock from what I have found thus far! LOL
We haven't even begun to think of seriously, not once. We have talked about nursery ideas, and I think we have a definite pick for a boy/boy nursery and for a boy/girl nursery. I don't really know about a girl/girl nursery yet, but I am sure it will come to me.
I am going back and forth on finding out the sexes of the babies. I know in an earlier post, I talked about having the gender revealing party, and that still sounds like fun, I just don't know if I want to or not. I LOVED my experience with Natalee. I thought it was so fun not finding out, and I really think it helped me through her delivery. I was so excited to finally find out what I had been carrying for nine months, it helped me when I thought I couldn't go on. Speaking of delivery...freaked out!! That's a whole other blog though.
Wow. Twins. It still hasn't occurred to me. This pregnancy is definitely different than when I was pregnant with Natalee. I am a lot more emotional. I have had a lot more sickness. I feel a lot more tired. I have already started to clean everything in site. Little things are bothering me (how much my dog sheds). I have cried about having to sale Natalee's stroller and car seat (I bought all of that stuff in gender neutral with plans on using it with every baby, now that isn't possible, and it feels like I am having to get rid of all of her baby stuff, so many memories!). Wow, I am annoying myself with this list of "symptoms!"
The joys of pregnancy.
I really am excited about having twins. I know a lot of this blog was pretty much a freak out on pricing, names, decisions, pricing, delivery and emotions, but I am SO excited. I think once we start "doing" something for the babies, that it will make me feel so much better. Not to mention I have been trapped in this house since Tuesday with the flu. Some fresh air would really do me some good I am sure.
Ok, enough rambling.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Deep Clean
So, call it nesting, call it a nasty house, call it whatever you want...but the deep cleaning has begun in the Glover household. I don't know if it is the perfect timing, with all the nausea that is still going on, but never the less, it's happening! Yesterday, I deep cleaned the kitchen. It's the kind of clean that would make Martha Stewart jealous. The kind of clean that will only happen once a year. The kind of clean that made me want to eat out for the rest of my life, just so we wouldn't mess it up. I woke up, and just wanted it cleaned. Now, I don't think that is because it was completely disgusting and kind of had a funky smell coming from, that wasn't it at all. I bleached the cabinets, I cleared the counters and sprayed everything down, and dusted the stuff and put it back up there all fancy like. I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. I cleaned our refrigerator and got rid of my collection of papers that had stacked up on it. I even washed the washing machine...there was a lot of lent. Our laundry room is off to the side of our kitchen, so it too got deep cleaned. I washed the base boards. The only thing I didn't do, because I literally couldn't move, was mop and get the ceiling fan cleaned. Those dust bunnies are going to eat me if I don't do that soon. So, that was my yesterday.
Today, I wanted to organize even more of my crap! It's a cleaning miracle!! On my actual "cleaning schedule" (yes, I have one, and WHEN I use it, it makes my heart SO flippin happy!!) was to deep clean the bathrooms, so I started in there with a little mirror cleaning and vanity cleaning. Then, I got the BRILLIANT (not so brilliant) idea to attack with all my pregnant heart, the upstairs family room closets. Now, if you really know know that I am a closet hoarder. So, to even want to open up the curtain was like step number six in a twelve step program. I did it. I just went up there, and started throwing everything out of the closet, and into the floor. Then I vacuumed the closet, and sat in there and meditated in the cleanliness of it all. Ok, maybe not that last part, but it was amazing. Of course, when I came out of the closet (no pun intended), I about had a heart attack to see everything that was in my floor!! I am so mad that I have not taken pictures. On another side note, I don't know if I would post the pictures even if I would have taken them, because I am pretty sure I would indeed be nominated for hoarders. Maybe I will just post the after pictures.I will do that on the other SEVEN closet transformations that MUST happen in order to have an amazing garage sale and to make room for two new babies and all the stuff that will come with them. On another side note, cleaning the closets has been something that I have been wanting to do AND not wanting to do for the last four years., back to the small heart attack. I grabbed a drink of water and got started with all the trash. First of all, why was there so much trash in the closet to begin with? I am pretty sure we are super lazy. When we moved into this house four years ago, the "family room" was a storage room. This specific closet was my "wrapping paper" closet....until it got taken over by crap. So, I had a ton a gift bags that I had to just throw away because they were so deformed or torn. Anyone who knows me, knows this hurt my feelings pretty bad. On the plus side, most of them were baby shower gift sacks, and I am pretty sure I am going to have a life time supply of those in another few months. So, I hauled a load of trash out, came back up, small heart attack, but I kept going. By the end of it, I found (yes, found is the key word), two printers, a scanner, a VCR player, a complete computer, and TONS of cords and stuff. I guess we were planning on opening our own electronics store. I think I will give that dream up...and put it all in the garage sale, if it all still works. Who knew? Not this girl. That closet was junked up...BAD. Now, it finally has in it, what I have wanted in it for at least the last two years. One, all of the guitar hero get up (drums, two guitars, foot pedal, wires, microphone) and two, my husbands very large collection of a card game he plays. That is IT! It looks amazing. I also cleaned out another closet that was stacked high to the brim with totes. I got it down from 2 crates and 3 totes, to only one tote. Yet another cleaning miracle. Now, if you come over in the next few days, you can ONLY look in my closets and at my kitchen, because unfortunately, everything else has to go to crap while you are indeed cleaning the crap...go figure. But, my family room makes me SO happy right now. I washed all of the pillow covers, vacuumed and dusted, on top of cleaning the closets. The hubster is going to have to make a few trips to our other hoarding spot, the garage, to drop off the garage sale stuff, but other than that, it is clean.
I really do have seven other closets to tackle, and each of them have more stuff in it than the one before it, but at least it is getting done. It feels so good to get rid of all the crap that you don't want, so freeing!! I may take a break a couple of days. I need to get a few shirts done on my embroidery machine for orders, and I need to get over the sinus junk that I am trying to get. Next up is the coat closet. I think it will be fairly easy, so I will do it next to still feel accomplished.
Please don't judge my "hoarding" and the amount of times I said "crap" in this blog and try not to be too jealous of all my witty and sarcastic comments. For this moment, I am one happy momma!
Today, I wanted to organize even more of my crap! It's a cleaning miracle!! On my actual "cleaning schedule" (yes, I have one, and WHEN I use it, it makes my heart SO flippin happy!!) was to deep clean the bathrooms, so I started in there with a little mirror cleaning and vanity cleaning. Then, I got the BRILLIANT (not so brilliant) idea to attack with all my pregnant heart, the upstairs family room closets. Now, if you really know know that I am a closet hoarder. So, to even want to open up the curtain was like step number six in a twelve step program. I did it. I just went up there, and started throwing everything out of the closet, and into the floor. Then I vacuumed the closet, and sat in there and meditated in the cleanliness of it all. Ok, maybe not that last part, but it was amazing. Of course, when I came out of the closet (no pun intended), I about had a heart attack to see everything that was in my floor!! I am so mad that I have not taken pictures. On another side note, I don't know if I would post the pictures even if I would have taken them, because I am pretty sure I would indeed be nominated for hoarders. Maybe I will just post the after pictures.I will do that on the other SEVEN closet transformations that MUST happen in order to have an amazing garage sale and to make room for two new babies and all the stuff that will come with them. On another side note, cleaning the closets has been something that I have been wanting to do AND not wanting to do for the last four years., back to the small heart attack. I grabbed a drink of water and got started with all the trash. First of all, why was there so much trash in the closet to begin with? I am pretty sure we are super lazy. When we moved into this house four years ago, the "family room" was a storage room. This specific closet was my "wrapping paper" closet....until it got taken over by crap. So, I had a ton a gift bags that I had to just throw away because they were so deformed or torn. Anyone who knows me, knows this hurt my feelings pretty bad. On the plus side, most of them were baby shower gift sacks, and I am pretty sure I am going to have a life time supply of those in another few months. So, I hauled a load of trash out, came back up, small heart attack, but I kept going. By the end of it, I found (yes, found is the key word), two printers, a scanner, a VCR player, a complete computer, and TONS of cords and stuff. I guess we were planning on opening our own electronics store. I think I will give that dream up...and put it all in the garage sale, if it all still works. Who knew? Not this girl. That closet was junked up...BAD. Now, it finally has in it, what I have wanted in it for at least the last two years. One, all of the guitar hero get up (drums, two guitars, foot pedal, wires, microphone) and two, my husbands very large collection of a card game he plays. That is IT! It looks amazing. I also cleaned out another closet that was stacked high to the brim with totes. I got it down from 2 crates and 3 totes, to only one tote. Yet another cleaning miracle. Now, if you come over in the next few days, you can ONLY look in my closets and at my kitchen, because unfortunately, everything else has to go to crap while you are indeed cleaning the crap...go figure. But, my family room makes me SO happy right now. I washed all of the pillow covers, vacuumed and dusted, on top of cleaning the closets. The hubster is going to have to make a few trips to our other hoarding spot, the garage, to drop off the garage sale stuff, but other than that, it is clean.
I really do have seven other closets to tackle, and each of them have more stuff in it than the one before it, but at least it is getting done. It feels so good to get rid of all the crap that you don't want, so freeing!! I may take a break a couple of days. I need to get a few shirts done on my embroidery machine for orders, and I need to get over the sinus junk that I am trying to get. Next up is the coat closet. I think it will be fairly easy, so I will do it next to still feel accomplished.
Please don't judge my "hoarding" and the amount of times I said "crap" in this blog and try not to be too jealous of all my witty and sarcastic comments. For this moment, I am one happy momma!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Valentine on a Budget
So, we are expecting twins, so we are pretty much broke...for the rest of our lives! I kid....somewhat. As we all know, Valentine's Day was yesterday. As we also know, it is the day to proclaim your undying love to your significant other and over spend on just about everything. This year, we needed a new plan. This year, I made a gift basket full of candy goodies. This year, he loved it.
So, here's the scoop on my gift.
A cute Valentine bucket. A bag of pistachios. A box of Reeses Pieces. A fun pack of Almond Joys. A Mountain Dew. A print off of cute saying to attach onto said items.
With zig-zag scissors (because that makes it look fancy) cut out your cute sayings. I used scrapbook paper for a border. I glued on the saying, and used scrapbooking tape to attach to the items. My cute sayings said this; "We love the things you DEW," "We love you to PIECES," "We are NUTS about you," "You bring us such great JOY." I am sure you can think of more cutesy things to put on your hubster's favorite snacks. I have seen a couple of these sayings on pinterest, and then just ran wild with the rest. I was really wanting a pack of rolos with the note saying, "We love how you roll," and a pack of sugar daddies with the note saying, "You are such a sweet daddy." However, being that it was Valentine's Day, and I was just getting to the store...I couldn't find them anywhere.
Ok, this gift is coming together now....looking too cute if I do say so myself.
This was my favorite.
Place in a cute bucket, with some tissue paper...and you are good to go!
I added in a little love note of my own, and called it good. He loved it. Not only was it cheap, it was super sweet and sentimental. YAY wife! Anyway, these little tags would also be super fun to attach onto your child's goodies in their lunch box. What a fun surprise to have a sweet note from mommy at school. Note to self: If your child is in middle school or is a teenager...scratch the previous genius idea! Happy Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Fancy Fancy
So, Natalee is in LOVE with the Fancy Nancy books, which she calls, "Fanthy Fanthy." (Lisp included!) I checked this one out at the library since she is madly in love with all things princess. I really thought the book was too wordy (is that a word?) for her, but thought we would give it a go is free after all! She now wants to read Fancy Nancy every night for, seriously, we haven't read a different book in almost two whole weeks. I love my little fancy girl. I thought I would share some of the pages, and Natalee's interpretations of them. She already has some of the pages memorized.
Here is the cover of the first Fancy Nancy book we checked out. I picked it because she was dressed up in all sorts of fun things, and that just reminded me of my sweet girl.
Natalee will say, "I love being Fanthy." She loves saying, "Look at all her toys in her room." Personally, my mommy brain would hurt in this room...too much clutter! LOL
She loves saying, "Where did Fanthy Fanthy go?" I love all the colors used on the pages, so bright and happy!
She loves talking about the mommy's "angel dress." EVERY dress is an angel dress to Natalee Grace.
Before I can ever turn to this page, she is saying, "Oh no Fanthy Fanthy, tie her shoe!" She just loves this book, and when we go back to the library on Thursday, we will definitely be checking out a different "Fanthy Fanthy" book to read.
We went to the grocery store and a lady was wearing wedged high heels. Natalee looks at me and says, "Her shoes are SO fanthy." She catches on quick.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sweet Treats
Natalee and I made some yummy Valentine treats for my husbands co-workers, some for our friends, and of course, some for us. They were fairly easy, and I got the idea from pinterest! So, here are the steps if you feel the need to indulge in some of your own!
Line a cookie sheet with foil. Open a bag a pretzels, and lay them out.
Unwrap Hershey's Hugs and place in the middle of each pretzel. This took the most time by far!!
Snap one ridiculously cute picture of your valentine, snatching a pretzel for herself.
All lined up and ready to go! Place in the oven on 200 degrees for about 5-6 minutes. You want the hugs to be all gooey, but not melting off of the pretzel.
When the buzzer rings, get your Valentine colored M&M's (already opened and waiting for you in a bowl), and gently push down on the center of the gooey hug.
Place in the refrigerator until hardened. Place in a cute Valentine bucket (forgot to take overall picture) and send to work with the husband. I mixed plain pretzels in with the candy-coated ones, because they are pretty darn sweet...and OH SO GOOD!
Happy Eating!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Double Vision
So, for those of you keeping up, you know that I had to have a sonogram on Thursday to make sure everything was looking great with the baby because of my hypothyroidism. Let me start from the beginning...
Jeremy has an awesome boss, and was able to leave work at around noon to come to the appointment with Natalee and I. Thank goodness, I am not sure what I would do if he had to miss an appointment, that girl is busy with a capital B! We got to the sonogram office and did the usual sign in sheet and medical history paper work. After just a few minutes (that never happens!!), we were called back, and on our way to seeing the first glimpse of our tiny little peanut!
We get set up, calm Natalee down by reassuring her this appointment with the 'doctor' is for mommy only, and on goes the screen. The sono tech, who we also had during our pregnancy with Natalee (so fun!!) starts off by telling us, "Looks great," with a little pause, "Both of them!!" At this point, she turns the screen, and there before our eyes are two little peanuts dancing around on the screen! We are pregnant with TWINS! At this exact moment, I go into complete shock mode and time stands still. I look over at Jeremy, who's eyebrows are raised in shock, I look at Natalee who, all of the sudden, seems like she is 15 years old, and I look back at the screen to see my two unborn children waving at me and I am sure smiling as well. Shock still continues. I have been told by my husband that the words "really," "are you serious" and "I am just in shock" came out of my mouth about a hundred times. That's is exactly what it was...and still is three days later!
WOW. This changes everything! We are now going to be a family of FIVE! A few posts back, I was questioning what a family of FOUR would feel like. WOW. I can't believe that God has chosen us for this. In that moment, my life somehow made more sense. The way I have always loved children, the timing of quitting my job, the fact that I just got an embroidery machine to make super cute clothes with, the way that I LOVE things that match. Natalee's personality; independent, smart, strong-willed, such a helper, all made sense. My husbands deep desire to provide and get finished with school, now all had more purpose in my brain.
Has the fact that we will be bringing two babies home from the hospital really sank in yet? No, and I don't think it will for about another 3 years! God has something big in store for our family!! At least we are getting two for basically the price of one on our insurance premiums! YAY! God knows I love a bargain! I have always said that I wanted twins, but NEVER thought it would happen. Crazy!
We will now be finding the sex of the babies out (something I never thought I would do!), but we need to be prepared for this life changing event! We are going to have a super fun gender revealing party! Our plan is to; on the day we can find out the sex of the babies, not look at the screen and have the sono tech put the genders on a piece of paper in a sealed envelope. We will then take it to a bakery, and have them make two separate cakes, and on the inside of the cake, have blue or pink food coloring. This way, we are finding out what we are having at the same time all our family and friends do. I think that is a great way to do it, if you have to! ;)
We are so excited to welcome these two blessings to the Glover family. I am really hoping one is a boy...but will definitely be happy with healthy babies.
We are looking online to try and find matches to the items we already have. Good thing for us, Natalee was a surprise, so all of her "major" items were gender neutral. So, we are hoping to find the same crib, high chair, and car seat...but we shall see. We have a lot of planning to do, and planning is right up my alley. My official due date is September 9th (two days after my birthday) but I bet it may be sometime in August. Please be in prayer for our babies. We have a long road a head of us, and lots of changes for our family. All prayers are greatly appreciated! :)
Even our pregnancy announcement was messed up...but don't worry, I fixed it....
Jeremy has an awesome boss, and was able to leave work at around noon to come to the appointment with Natalee and I. Thank goodness, I am not sure what I would do if he had to miss an appointment, that girl is busy with a capital B! We got to the sonogram office and did the usual sign in sheet and medical history paper work. After just a few minutes (that never happens!!), we were called back, and on our way to seeing the first glimpse of our tiny little peanut!
We get set up, calm Natalee down by reassuring her this appointment with the 'doctor' is for mommy only, and on goes the screen. The sono tech, who we also had during our pregnancy with Natalee (so fun!!) starts off by telling us, "Looks great," with a little pause, "Both of them!!" At this point, she turns the screen, and there before our eyes are two little peanuts dancing around on the screen! We are pregnant with TWINS! At this exact moment, I go into complete shock mode and time stands still. I look over at Jeremy, who's eyebrows are raised in shock, I look at Natalee who, all of the sudden, seems like she is 15 years old, and I look back at the screen to see my two unborn children waving at me and I am sure smiling as well. Shock still continues. I have been told by my husband that the words "really," "are you serious" and "I am just in shock" came out of my mouth about a hundred times. That's is exactly what it was...and still is three days later!
WOW. This changes everything! We are now going to be a family of FIVE! A few posts back, I was questioning what a family of FOUR would feel like. WOW. I can't believe that God has chosen us for this. In that moment, my life somehow made more sense. The way I have always loved children, the timing of quitting my job, the fact that I just got an embroidery machine to make super cute clothes with, the way that I LOVE things that match. Natalee's personality; independent, smart, strong-willed, such a helper, all made sense. My husbands deep desire to provide and get finished with school, now all had more purpose in my brain.
Has the fact that we will be bringing two babies home from the hospital really sank in yet? No, and I don't think it will for about another 3 years! God has something big in store for our family!! At least we are getting two for basically the price of one on our insurance premiums! YAY! God knows I love a bargain! I have always said that I wanted twins, but NEVER thought it would happen. Crazy!
We will now be finding the sex of the babies out (something I never thought I would do!), but we need to be prepared for this life changing event! We are going to have a super fun gender revealing party! Our plan is to; on the day we can find out the sex of the babies, not look at the screen and have the sono tech put the genders on a piece of paper in a sealed envelope. We will then take it to a bakery, and have them make two separate cakes, and on the inside of the cake, have blue or pink food coloring. This way, we are finding out what we are having at the same time all our family and friends do. I think that is a great way to do it, if you have to! ;)
We are so excited to welcome these two blessings to the Glover family. I am really hoping one is a boy...but will definitely be happy with healthy babies.
We are looking online to try and find matches to the items we already have. Good thing for us, Natalee was a surprise, so all of her "major" items were gender neutral. So, we are hoping to find the same crib, high chair, and car seat...but we shall see. We have a lot of planning to do, and planning is right up my alley. My official due date is September 9th (two days after my birthday) but I bet it may be sometime in August. Please be in prayer for our babies. We have a long road a head of us, and lots of changes for our family. All prayers are greatly appreciated! :)
Even our pregnancy announcement was messed up...but don't worry, I fixed it....
![]() |
LOVE how it turned out! |
Our sweet babies! |
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Jelly Beans
"I need to go potty on the big girl potty." This was the first sentence out of Natalee's mouth this morning (on the 31st). We have been attempting the potty training, and have had lots of accidents, but no potty on the toilet. It is frustrating to say the least! We've been a few days in diapers only, I have not been feeling up to par with the new bundle of joy on the way, and I also knew that I would not be worth anything with potty training. Natalee woke up this morning, wanting big girl panties. I will NEVER turn her down, when she is the one asking! I have been setting the "potty bell" (stove timer) for every 15 minutes. Do you know how many trips to the potty that is?! All that work paid off today. She accidentally went potty on the toilet! She was so surprised. It was literally like 2 drops, but it was potty! She could "hear" the noise, she could wipe her bottom, she could eat a jelly bean! I praised her for like an hour! I was so excited to finally have got some potty out of that child! Then, like magic, it just clicked! She has had 2 accidents in the last 4 days. She tells me that she has to go potty on the big girl potty and she also tells me she needs a jelly bean now. Just like that, she is potty trained! I have been packing a suitcase (LOL) of extra clothes when we leave the house, but so far, have not had to use them! She has only pooped on the potty once though. The little stinker is a morning pooper, and she is quiet when she wakes up. By the time I am in there to get her, there is a nice little surprise waiting for me. I haven't quite figured out how to fix this yet, but who cares...she is two years and one month old...and she is doing great! I am almost positive she is just doing it for the jelly beans though. She is growing up, whether I like it or not! Now that you have read about my kid and her potty...I am done.
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