Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dress Up

So, Natalee's new favorite thing is to play dress up! It is SO funny to me to see what she puts on together. She is a princess everyday. I need to snap more pictures of her crazy attire, but I am usually too busy laughing to remember to pick up my camera...lame excuse for a photographer, I know. I love seeing her use her imagination. At the ripe ol' age of 2, it is already running wild. She goes to the grocery store, takes her babies on walks in the stroller, she "marks off she shopping list," she puts the her baby in the manger, she pretends to be Mary...and Baby Jesus for that matter, and she loves having tea parties. As I type this, she is playing with play dough for the very first time. She wanted me to make Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and a donkey. Lucky for me, 3 different sized balls did the trick, and the tub it came in is the manger, and the lid is the donkey. She loves the Christmas story, and I love that she does. I just love watching her grow.
All this talk of her dressing up, makes me think of what she will be when she grows up. A nurse, a teacher, a mother, a politician (Republican of course! LOL), a singer, a leader....so many possibilities. I see her becoming something great and amazing, of course, all mother's probably think the same of their children. I hope that whatever she becomes, that she can be proud of it and truly love her line of work. I hope that she is not driven on the amount of money she makes, or the amount of "toys" she has, or the size of her house, but on being content in her abilities that God has given her, making the most of every situation, and being happy with what God has blessed her with. Who knows, maybe that will be a big fancy house with a big fancy income, a mother who will need cared for one day can dream, right?
80's rock star...yes please!
Mirror Mirror on the wall....
All in all, she will ALWAYS be my little princess.

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