Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Interview

Jeremy has an interview tomorrow. We are praying that God's direction will guide us to where we need to go! Where, you may be wondering? At Boys Ranch..."but Krystole, doesn't he work FOR Boys Ranch now?" Yes, my friend, but this is an IN TOWN position...actually 8 blocks from our house! What an amazing opportunity this would be, not to mention the huge savings on gas!

How did this come about? Well, I up and quit my job (4 months early) and may I just add here that I am LOVing every minute of it! I am SO glad God has blessed us in this decision. My last day of work was September 30th, and on September 28th, a new job posting was listed at Boys Ranch. It is still for a case work position, but it will be more working with the families, not just the children. The pay is higher, the case load is also higher. The paperwork is not so detailed and have I mentioned only 8 BLOCKS from our house?! After praying, we (he) decided to put in his application. They have since contacted him, and his interview is tomorrow at 12:30.

What do we have to lose? Nothing...really. If he gets the job, we will thank God for it. He will be closer to us, will be making more, and will have 2 more hours to his day that won't involve driving. He will be right down the street and could come home for lunch. He would have more time with us and for his school work. If this is not what God has in store for us, we will thank God for it. He has a great job. He knows what is expected of him. His boss is great, he is getting a good raise in November. He loves his boys out there. He car pools and is only driving to Boys Ranch once or twice a week (so the whole gas thing...was just talk!).

We are anxiously awaiting to see what God has in store for us. We will thank Him for whatever happens. HE knows what is best for our family, and hasn't failed us yet. We will keep our eyes and focus upon Him...and do everything we do for His glory.

Please pray for us.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


I am so thankful for this sweet man!
Blue steel face and all!


  1. I have been praying about his since you told me about it. I hope everything went perfectly for him today and will anxiously be waiting to hear the good news :) Because, selfishly, I am hoping this will be God's will for your family :) But, you're right, we will thank God either way...

  2. The interview went well. We also know of 2 other case workers from Boys Ranch who have also applied. I still think Jeremy would be the best choice...but I am a little biased. We will definitely keep you updated! :)
