Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Big Sister

My sweet Natalee Grace is no longer my "baby." I can not describe to you in words how big she looked when I finally got to see her again. The first thing she told me, "Mommy!! Baby Brothers came out of your tummy!! You can hold me now!!" Between bed rest, lots of help from friends, weekend stay with my parents, and the hugeness that was my belly, I haven't been able to hold her (not at all while standing) and more limited while sitting. There was only so much room left on my lap!
She has been waiting for the moment to hold her brothers for what seems like forever! Even though she is only 2 1/2 years old, she has understood everything that has been going on. We've been talking to her about the jobs and tasks of a big sister. She has practiced with her baby dolls, always having two instead of one. She is seriously cute.
Since the boys are in NICU, siblings can only visit on Tuesdays from 4-6. Even though this makes me sad for her, I do understand that children bring in a whole new set of germs. The most important thing is to keep the boys (and all the other tiny babies) in NICU healthy. This will only be a short time, and then our family will be together all the time. I have to keep reminding myself that this is only a short period, but it's hard.
So, the boys were born on a Monday, so Natalee got to see them the very next day! We couldn't have planned that any better!
First, we gave Natalee her "big sister" gift and spent some time alone with her in the hospital room before walking down to see the boys. She loved all of her little gifts! She has a ladybug blanket that my mom bought her while she was still in the hospital. This IS the blanket that she loves. She sleeps with it only. She sucks her thumb with it. She takes it on trips. She needs it when she gets an owie. So, you get the point, she loves it. I found the exact blanket online and bought it. I was nervous she wouldn't "take to it," but I really needed a back up. She opened up her present and said, "There's my ladybug blanket! Open it!" She LOVES it! Yay for two blankets! I also gave her the boy baby doll that I had when I was a little girl. My papa brought it up to the hospital for me on the day my brother was born. His name is Timmy Lee and I have so many memories of playing with him. Natalee was excited that he was wearing PJ's. I think she will be even more excited when she realizes that her baby brothers have the same exact pair. The other items were two books on being a big sister, and a new set of big sister PJ's. I don't think it's set in yet that she is a big sister, but I know she is going to be great at it. 
The visiting hours are from 4-6 on Tuesdays, so my mom brought her up then. She got to wash her hands with "pink princess soap with sparkles." The sparkles disappeared when the germs were gone. So neat. We then got to bring her in to see her brothers. She was talking a hundred miles a minute, saying things like, "We need to put them in their car seats, I am going to change their diapers, they are just so cute and tiny, look at their tiny feet, I will give them their blankets, I got a new blanket just like baby brothers, baby brothers came out of your tummy." I swear she said all of those things, plus some I can't remember, in a time frame of 15 seconds!! She was excited. She would not put her robe on, so she couldn't help us hold them, but she had a great time just looking and kissing and touching. She's had some bad experiences with hospitals, and I think that is why she was afraid of the robe. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to hold her brothers when we go home. Such sweet memories made today.
About to go in to see her brothers! Aiden is on top, Barrett is on bottom!
First touches. Barrett is on top, Aiden is on bottom. :)
We love our sweet girl and our two handsome boys. Can't wait to see our family of five all together in one place in our home. Hopefully it won't be long.
Our first family photo! Natalee had more important
things to look at rather than the camera!

We are so excited for this new journey. One that will be filled with challenges, memories, trials and love.

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