Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 1, 2012

30 Weeks

So, THIRTY weeks! There is finally a three in front of the weeks. I cannot thank God enough for keeping our boys safe. Most twin pregnancies last between 34-36 weeks, so I really am on the home stretch now! Speaking of stretching, I am now measuring 38 weeks! We aren't even going to talk about stretch marks either. It is still all worth it to have our boys here, and our family complete. Yes, you read that right. We are done having babies after this. Three is a great number. Our sweet girl and our two handsome boys, seems too perfect to add more to.
So we have had yet another sonogram (July 5th)  and I am happy to announce that Aiden weighs 3 lbs 12 oz and Barrett weighs 4 lbs 4 oz! Grow boys grow!! I now have 8 lbs of baby in my belly! Natalee weighed 6 lbs 15 oz, so we have already surpassed that number! No wonder my belly feels so heavy! I wonder how much they will weigh together before the end of it all...then again, maybe I shouldn't think about it! I am very excited to see how much they have grown. We won't see them again for another two weeks, and I am not sure that they will weigh them then or not. They looked amazing. The doctor was really excited about it all. My cervix had actually lengthened just a little bit more, so that was awesome too. Both boys were head down, Aiden for sure and Barrett for the most part. I am praying that they will stay that way. I would love to not have a c-section, but know that God has it all planned out, and whatever happens, happens.
In other news, Natalee yelled..."Mommy, come and see me, I am being the baby right now!" I walked around the corner to find her "sleeping" in one of the bouncers that we have! She is a hoot! I guess it's ok if she borrows the bouncer for now. I can't believe she is going to be the "big" sister! She is still my baby! I hope I can handle her being the big sister...excuse me while I go cry...totally blaming the pregnancy hormones, and the fact that I am her mommy!
She is growing up so fast. I think she is going to be a great big sister. She constantly kisses her brothers, and loves going into their room. She loves to do "favors" for me and help daddy empty the trash cans. She really is just such a joy to be around. Anytime she sees something that is pirate, she will say, "that is just like baby brothers' room!" Her tiny little voice makes it all so much better too. I love that little girl.
We have a lot to be thankful for these days. I love all of these blessings. God is so good.


  1. You look great!! I am 29 weeks today with a singleton (also here in Amarillo!) and I know I feel "heavy" a lot, so I can't imagine how you do it! Kudos, mama. And you look so fantastic!

    I love McAlisters, too. Their tea is so good!

    1. Thanks! Do you know what you are having? McAlisters is the best!! I love their tea too! Free tea day is July 26th, I think!!

    2. We are having a little boy :) We are naming him Arlo.

      Oooh! Our wedding anniversary is the 24th, so I may ask to go to McAlisters late on the 26th. :P Free tea is even better than their regular tea!

    3. You can't beat free! Our anniversary is on the 29th! :) We will be married six years, what about you guys?
