Wow...has it really already been three months since Natalee's second birthday? I swear the time will not slow down, even for a bit! She is SO stinking smart. I know, I am her mother, I am supposed to say that...but you really can ask anyone. If the video up loader on blogger didn't take a decade to upload one video, I would totally pull out the mom card and post every video I have of her on this would watch them, and you would thank me for it. She seriously is adorable.
Anyway....27 months.
She is still a sponge.
She can verbalize anything that she is needing.
She is potty trained.
She is recognizing lots of letters and numbers.
She is a princess, no seriously, every day.
She can count to twelve....and then says 16, 17 and 18.
She LOVES to color, especially in a blank notebook with a pink pen.
She prays by herself.
She eats anything and everything.
She is in this stage where she will say, "He kinda looks like ________." Or, "It kinda looks like _______."
She loves her daddy, and asks to go and see him at Boys Ranch quite frequently.
She is excited about her twin brothers.
She is very friendly.
She isn't shy.
She loves the water.
She is independent.
She wants to have her hair fixed, with a bow, everyday....fine by me.
Her last sentence before bed (every night), "And when I wake up, I can wear my angel dress."
Her first sentence when waking up (every day), "I woke up, not I can wear my angel dress."
Almost every dress is an angel dress.
She loves Jesus.
She loves to sing...and will make up songs with her eyes closed tight, while twirling around in circles.
She loves Fancy Nancy.
She loves the library, and books in general.
She loves her pink ladybug blanket.
She is a mess.
She says funny things all day long. She is my greatest joy. I love all of her.
These are a few snapshots from her 27 month day! It was a beautiful day, and we played outside almost the whole time!
Thank you God for your blessing.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Gender Reveal Party
It's here, the Gender Reveal Party! We've made banners, bought balloons, ordered the cake, invited our family and friends, made the to find out what we will be preparing for!! Talk about emotions, not only am I preggo, but today I will know what we are having! We are so excited to find out the gender of our twins! So, here are some of my favorite pictures from the big reveal! :)
Ok, no more suspense....
So, twin boys will be joining the Glover household this summer! We are both so thrilled! We each wanted at least one of them to be a boy, but to find out both of them were...neither of us expected that!
We had a great time at our party. I think it was the perfect set up for us. My husband is glad to be adding some testosterone to the group...ever our cat and dog are female!
God never ceases to amaze us. We feel so blessed, and can't wait to meet our little guys. Please continue to keep the boys (YAY, I can say that now!) in your prayers. My due date is September 9th, and they REALLY want me to make it until at least August 15th, which would be 36 weeks.
The table, with the banner of the sonograms and our pregnancy announcement that I made. |
The table. All decked out in pink and blue! |
My husband, Jeremy, and I. |
The cake. It turned out perfect! |
My bestie, Mary. I love this lady! |
The Glover's. Time to cut the cake!! |
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TWIN BOYS!! We were SO surprised!! |
After the cake cutting, we were able to open up the envelope that the sonogram tech had written on. Sure enough, Baby A: Male, Baby B: Male |
These guests signed in on the right sheet! Most people thought we were having a boy and a girl! Only a few thought we were having twin girls! Twin BOYS!! |
Thursday, March 22, 2012
16 Weeks
We had our sonogram today. The babies looked HUGE compared to our last sonogram at 9 weeks. I am just shy of 16 weeks, and they really look like humans now! We saw 4 arms, 4 legs, 4 kidneys, 2 full bladders, 2 strong heartbeats (one was 158 and the other 162), and LOTS of movement. They each weigh 5 oz, they are really getting the hang of this twin thing. Isn't God amazing? Only 5 oz, less than one stick of butter, and yet full of life! I love God and His creation. Ok...back to the sonogram.
We brought in a piece of paper with the date and Baby A and Baby B written on it, along with an envelope. After the initial sonogram was over, and everything looked UH-may-ZING, she turned the screen to see if she could find out the gender of the babies.
My mom, mother-in-law, husband, daughter and my brother all got to be apart of this sonogram! How special it was to have them see the babies right along with us. Just a little side note, our sonogram techs are awesome! The sweetest ladies on the planet! Before you knew it, Kim (sono tech) was turning the screen back our direction. I said, "well, were you able to determine the gender of both?" And she replied, "Yes!" We were all so excited. She had told us in the beginning, that 16 weeks may be a little early to tell, especially since we have two "personals" to find! The sonogram couldn't have gone better. She loved everything she saw, and said the babies looked great.
We gave her the piece of paper, and she wrote the gender down on the appropriate line, and sealed it up for us. She also printed off our sonogram pictures, and put the gender determining pictures in an envelope, and wrote "baby bottoms" on it, just for us. She seriously is cute.
After the appointment was over, my mom and I headed to Card and Party Factory where she ordered a balloon bouquet for the Gender Revealing party that will get to take place on Saturday!!
After the balloons were ordered, we headed straight to the bakery to get the cake ordered! We couldn't trust ourselves with the envelope for too long! We explained to the bakery that the gender would be inside of the envelope. We ordered one cake, and told them that if it was two girls, to make the inside of the cake all pink; if it was two boys, to make the inside of the cake all blue; and if it was one of each, to marble pink and blue on the inside of the cake. We explained to them to make the icing white, and the decor both pink and blue. So, only after we CUT open the cake, will we know the gender of our babies! It was really weird knowing that people I didn't know, knew what we were having before we did! SO exciting!
So, cast your vote now...what do you think the Gender party will reveal?
Two Girls, Two Boys, or One of Each?!
I will blog about the party and upload pictures sometime tomorrow, hopefully!
Happy Guessing!
Natalee Grace and Mommy 16 weeks 3/22/12 |
My mom, mother-in-law, husband, daughter and my brother all got to be apart of this sonogram! How special it was to have them see the babies right along with us. Just a little side note, our sonogram techs are awesome! The sweetest ladies on the planet! Before you knew it, Kim (sono tech) was turning the screen back our direction. I said, "well, were you able to determine the gender of both?" And she replied, "Yes!" We were all so excited. She had told us in the beginning, that 16 weeks may be a little early to tell, especially since we have two "personals" to find! The sonogram couldn't have gone better. She loved everything she saw, and said the babies looked great.
We gave her the piece of paper, and she wrote the gender down on the appropriate line, and sealed it up for us. She also printed off our sonogram pictures, and put the gender determining pictures in an envelope, and wrote "baby bottoms" on it, just for us. She seriously is cute.
After the appointment was over, my mom and I headed to Card and Party Factory where she ordered a balloon bouquet for the Gender Revealing party that will get to take place on Saturday!!
It's a boy, It's a girl, and welcome baby! This was the perfect bouquet for our party! |
This is how the cake turned out! I loved it! |
Two Girls, Two Boys, or One of Each?!
I will blog about the party and upload pictures sometime tomorrow, hopefully!
Happy Guessing!
Friday, March 16, 2012
14 Weeks
We had our appointment on the 8th. It went great! Baby A's heart rate was 158 and Baby B's heart rate was 166. Our doctor scheduled our next sonogram for March 22nd! We can find out the gender (hopefully) of the babies!! Less than one week away. I am hoping they cooperate! :) So far, this last week has been the hardest. I had about 4 complete days where NOTHING sounding good to eat. Finally, on day 5, I caught up, because EVERYTHING I saw I ate. Pregnancy, there is just nothing like it. So far, I still have not gained any weight, I have actually lost a little. I know this won't last long, but it sure is nice to know that I have made it through the first trimester with no weight gain. My back has been giving me such problems! I am not sure what I have done, or if it's just the babies, but man...I am walking, bending, and moving like an 80 year old. We are having the "Gender Reveal Party" on Saturday, the 24th. It should be a lot of fun! Even though our sonogram is scheduled for the 22nd, we do not plan on finding out that day, but instead waiting to find out with all our friends and family at the party! I am hoping this really happens, and we don't accidentally find out in the sono room.
I have been watering the yard like crazy the last two days. Tomorrow, Jeremy is going to give it the first mow, and fertilize it. I am really hoping it greens up really fast! We got the wading pool out yesterday, and Natalee had a blast playing in the water. I could really get used to 75 degree weather with a slight breeze! We ate our dinner out on the porch, and then went for a mile walk. It is so nice to get some fresh air. I love being outdoors, something I thank my parents for.
Today I finished up the cutest Easter design for a customer! It was my first experience with a "pocket." It was a little tricky, but I love the final product, and can't wait to make one for my sweet girl! The little egg front is a pocket! I am about to start on an Easter basket full of eggs for Natalee, and am hoping to make matching pants to go with it! I just love owning an embroidery machine, it makes my heart happy! If you are interested, you can find me on facebook at Krystole's BOWtique! :)
14 Weeks 3/10/12 |
Spring break is here and gone! Natalee and I spent Monday through Wednesday afternoon in Dalhart. Our cousin, Julie, from Dallas flew in. It was so much fun to spend time with family. We didn't do much, and that was also nice. Tuesday, we stayed in our pajamas until five! I love lazy days like that. The weather has been SO nice. I hope it sticks. We had a lot of fun with Uncle Drew and Grammie at the park!
"Get me up here Untle Dew!" |
Today I finished up the cutest Easter design for a customer! It was my first experience with a "pocket." It was a little tricky, but I love the final product, and can't wait to make one for my sweet girl! The little egg front is a pocket! I am about to start on an Easter basket full of eggs for Natalee, and am hoping to make matching pants to go with it! I just love owning an embroidery machine, it makes my heart happy! If you are interested, you can find me on facebook at Krystole's BOWtique! :)
The closet cleaning is still underway. I am proud of the progress I have made, and have four closets left to go. Three of them will be super easy, and then the one that it is currently in the twins room will take some work. I am not afraid though! The plan is to finish the closet cleaning by the end of the month, so that we can have a garage sale at the beginning of April, so that we can start painting and decorating the babies room soon, especially since we are finding out the genders a lot sooner than we originally thought! We have a lot of furniture to sell, including our entire guest bedroom set, to make room for the babies! I think the garage sale will be perfect timing. We will have it, get rid of stuff, and then have an empty and blank slate to start working in!
That pretty much sums up what we have been doing for the last week and a half or so, I have really slacked on the blogging. We did take a trip to the zoo, a trip for an ice cream cone, and a trip to hobby lobby in there somewhere too! Have a great weekend friends!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Weekend Break
My mom took Natalee home with her today! My mom and brother had traveled to Lubbock to see a playoff basketball game, and came through Amarillo around 2 am, so they stayed the night. We woke up, and hung out for most of the morning. Then, my mom says to pack Natalee's stuff to go and stay with her Saturday, Sunday, and she would meet Jeremy at Boys Ranch on Monday. Have I said that my mom is amazing? We got her packed, and they headed to Dalhart.
Jeremy and I didn't know what to do with ourselves!! We started by taking a rest, I was so tired. Then, we got up and got ready for dinner and a movie! It was so nice to just go, only worry about yourself, not worry about the time, it was just great! We ate at Johnny Carinos and saw the movie "Act of Valor." We got ice cream. We talked. We enjoyed each other. We talked about Natalee (non-stop!). We talked about the twins. It. Was. AWESOME!
Sunday, we went to church, and headed to Ruby Tequila's with 3 of our other married couple friends. It was so much fun. We really love the people that God has been bringing into our lives! We love our church, and it is full of great young people, all in the same life stage as we are. We were there for forever, and it was great. After lunch, we decided to hit the town shopping. Window shopping mostly, but it was so much fun. We went to all the baby stores, and browsed the isles. We got Natalee a couple of spring outfits. We were out all day long, and it was such a pretty day too. We came home, Jeremy cooked us some breakfast, and we watched an episode of Scrubs and and episode of Bones...I know, we are crazy!
Monday, I woke up to a house, completely quiet. It was very weird. I took advantage of the quiet, and deep cleaned! I am still working on closets, I have now gotten 4 done. I cleaned the kitchen, mopped, cleaned ceiling fans, deep cleaned the bathroom, washed 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the was awesome! I forgot how quickly you can do those chose without someone behind you messing it all up again!
We sure did miss our Natalee Grace though. I was so glad when she was home. Those breaks are wonderful, but I love that little girl. Thanks for the break Grammie and Grumpie! It was much needed!
This blog brought you by the words "great" and "awesome." I am pretty sure I used one of them in every sentence! :)
Jeremy and I didn't know what to do with ourselves!! We started by taking a rest, I was so tired. Then, we got up and got ready for dinner and a movie! It was so nice to just go, only worry about yourself, not worry about the time, it was just great! We ate at Johnny Carinos and saw the movie "Act of Valor." We got ice cream. We talked. We enjoyed each other. We talked about Natalee (non-stop!). We talked about the twins. It. Was. AWESOME!
Sunday, we went to church, and headed to Ruby Tequila's with 3 of our other married couple friends. It was so much fun. We really love the people that God has been bringing into our lives! We love our church, and it is full of great young people, all in the same life stage as we are. We were there for forever, and it was great. After lunch, we decided to hit the town shopping. Window shopping mostly, but it was so much fun. We went to all the baby stores, and browsed the isles. We got Natalee a couple of spring outfits. We were out all day long, and it was such a pretty day too. We came home, Jeremy cooked us some breakfast, and we watched an episode of Scrubs and and episode of Bones...I know, we are crazy!
Monday, I woke up to a house, completely quiet. It was very weird. I took advantage of the quiet, and deep cleaned! I am still working on closets, I have now gotten 4 done. I cleaned the kitchen, mopped, cleaned ceiling fans, deep cleaned the bathroom, washed 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the was awesome! I forgot how quickly you can do those chose without someone behind you messing it all up again!
We sure did miss our Natalee Grace though. I was so glad when she was home. Those breaks are wonderful, but I love that little girl. Thanks for the break Grammie and Grumpie! It was much needed!
This blog brought you by the words "great" and "awesome." I am pretty sure I used one of them in every sentence! :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
13 weeks
This week, finally, is the week we have been waiting for! On Thursday, we get to go and hear the heartbeats of our twins, and check up on them. I am so anxious for this appointment! I just want everything to be fine, and heartbeats to be heard. I don't know why I am so nervous about it, I don't remember having these feelings with Natalee. My mom, papa, brother, and Jeremy will be going to this appointment. I am so excited!
We bought the double stroller and car seats yesterday! YAY! I officially feel like we are having twins now! We got an amazing deal, that we just couldn't pass up! The cheapest system I had found to date was $455, talk about sticker shock! That's expensive!! We went to Burlington yesterday, just to see what they had in stock. Now, just in case you, or someone you know is having twins, at Burlington, you get a 20% discount off of the second item. Only on major purchases (furniture, strollers, high chairs, bedding, mattresses, etc). This is the best twin deal we have found so far. Babies R Us gives you 10% off the second item as well. You have to buy them at the same time, and they have to be the same item. Anyway, back to our deal. I had seen a system online, and have two sets of twin moms who recommended this brand and style. The stroller is the Graco Duoglider. I had found it online for $200. At Burlington, the price was an amazing $140! We asked if they had any more in the back, and the lady went to go and check. She comes back with a disappointing, "no." We asked if they would be getting any more in, to which the answer was also a "no." She then said we could have the display for 25% off. We looked it over, and it was in great shape, not a scratch, rip or tear to be seen. We happily said yes! The total for the stroller was $105! That is a $95 savings from what I had found online! Next, the car seats. Online, they were $100 each. At Burlington, the sticker price was $90 each, but since we get the twin discount, the second seat got a 20% off discount. So we paid $90 for one, and $72 for the other. After taxes and everything, our total was an amazing $289! A total of $166 saved from what I had found online. Thank you God for watching out for us! He is so awesome, and knows we need all the budget help we can get!
I am thinking we will be able to find out the sex of the babies in middle to late April. Friends are already starting to talk about baby shower stuff. I love baby much fun! I have the greatest friends too. My best friend, Mary, along with ourselves, have been buying diapers every time we go to the grocery store. My other bestie, Kara, works out at a children's home. They are always getting diaper donations from all the bigger stores, on boxes that have been damaged...but they don't have any babies at the childrens home! So, anytime she receives damaged diapers, she is sending them our way! We have quite the stock pile going. I am so blessed to have Mary and Kara in my life. We are using our guest shower for diaper storage...get it...a "baby shower!" I really am blessed, and this is only week 13.
Mommy's view, 12 weeks |
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Front View |
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Side view, with car seat boxes in the background! |
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Upclose of pattern. Browns, Blues, and Greens. |
I had coffee this week with a mom (who goes to our church) that has 4 year old twins. It was so nice, and really helped with a lot of my "fears." We met up at Starbucks and stayed for quite a while. She is a great mom, and has the cutest twins. It was so nice to know that I am not the only twin mom out there, and that I am not the only one having questions, doubts, fears, excitement, etc with this pregnancy. What a relief to know that other people have been in my shoes, and have experience to share. Kristen, you are great!
I am starting to feel better finally, although dinner and evenings are still the hardest part of the day for me. I need to drink more water. I am not great at this. So far, I have actually lost a little weight, not uncommon for first trimester mommies...and I got the flu.
The countdown is ticking until I hear these precious babies heartbeats. Thursday will not come quick enough I am sure.
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