Snow Place Like Home
Today was a snow day! We had a great day with just our little family! I was so happy to have this time with the two of them! We started out with breakfast....biscuits and eggs! We watched an episode of Wipeout while we ate. We let Natalee play around all morning long. Jeremy still had to do some work, so he worked on that the majority of the morning. We then snuggled up on the couch and watched an episode of Veggie Tales. Natalee laughs at some of the stuff now, I wonder what she is thinking? We then let Natalee down to play, and next thing you know, her hands are covered in poop!! I asked Jeremy, "what is she doing, she is really quiet?" She had gone behind the couch and stuck her fingers in the top of her diaper! GROSS!! Luckily, we caught her at the very beginning, so it didn't get messy at all...this time! LOL We then ate lunch, and laid Natalee down for her nap. When she awoke, we got all bundled up, and took her outside to play in the snow! Well, there was very little "playing" that actually took place! She could not even walk in it! The wind was still blowing pretty hard too! She tried to walk, fell, and then cried! She didn't really want anything to do with it! I bet next year will be another story. We went back in, and started on supper. We made home-made pizza rolls! They were really yummy! We all sat at the table, and enjoyed each other's company. We've been working on praying before we eat with Natalee. We've always prayed before eating, but now, we are trying to get Natalee to fold her hands, and say amen. So far...she will say..."A" at the end! LOL I love teaching her things about Jesus. It makes my heart happy! After supper was over, we made snow ice cream! It was SNOW much fun (pun intended)!! It tasted like the soft serve ice cream! It was delicious!! 1 bowl of snow, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, and milk poured in until it looked like ice cream! I can't wait to do this tradition every time it snows now!! We all ate ice cream, and really enjoyed it. After such a fun day together as a family, I can't help but be reminded of how truly blessed we are! It is just amazing to see God's hand at work on my little family! We take such joy and delight in Him! I am eager to teach Natalee more about God and His love for her! Since having Natalee, I think I have such a greater sense of the sacrifice that God gave us...the death of His ONLY son! I can't imagine giving Natalee up, for the sake of a sinful world. I thank God that He chose that sacrifice.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, whosoever shall believe in Him will not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
Quick mommy note: Every time I sing Jesus loves me to Natalee...and get to the part where it says, "for the Bible tells me so" she will start saying Bible over and over again! I don't remember if I already mentioned this in another post or not, but I LOVE it that much!! I'm trying to teach her the little hand motions that go with the song. Also, when singing, this little light of mine, she will try to hold up her 1 little finger...and she always starts laughing before I can even shout NO in the second verse (hide it under a bushel: NO!)! She really is such a joy to me! I am so thankful that God saw me fit to be her mommy!
"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Poop Fingers! |
"Playing" in the snow! |
Home-made Pizza Rolls! |
Making Snow Ice Cream! |
Natalee helping me stir! |
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