Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Festival

Last night was our church's fall festival. We had so much fun! I look forward to this event every year. I love seeing all the kiddos in their costumes, and dressing my own up as well. This year, Natalee is a mermaid...and the boys are pirates (go figure!). I love how the costumes turned out, but I love the kids inside them more. :) Here are some pictures...you know you wanted to see!
Natalee was SO excited to get "princess mermaid hair." This was the first time I have ever used a curling iron to make ringlets in her hair...it looked amazing and I am pretty jealous of it!
She also got to put on make up for the first time. A little purple on the eyelids and some blush. She was beyond happy. She is so beautiful. I will probably never curl her hair or put make up on her again because she looked so grown up!
We really lucked out in the costume department this year. My bestie, Mary, had the mermaid costume from one of her daughter's ballet recitals...hence the glamour and sparkle. The pirate costumes I bought online before the boys were even born at 60% off and used a gift card. I made the seashell headband and added the flowers to her arms and to her pants....for a grand total of $2. Yep, that makes me one happy stay at home mom. I love cheap. I love cute. I love it when it's cheap AND cute.
Natalee had a blast playing games this year. The games that you were supposed to toss a bean bag into the hole...she would just walk up, toss it in and clap for herself. She also got to decorate a cookie.

It is fun now that she is understanding the concept of the 'holidays.' She can't wait to go trick-or-treating in Dalhart on Halloween. She keeps saying that we will go to Grammie and Grumpie's house, to Aunt Norma's house and to Papa's house...I guess she has the list made AND knows who gives out the best candy. She is such a joy to my heart. I love my "matching kiddos," it makes my OCD heart happy.

One last picture of Snow White and The Little Mermaid. Love these girls...and they love each other!

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