Aiden is in the red hat, Barrett is in the black hat. I am soaking these little boys in. They are doing great. At their one month check up, Aiden weighed 5lbs 11oz and Barrett weighed 6lbs 3oz. They are both on the same schedule, and are sleeping 3 hours between feedings at night. I am still breastfeeding, and it is going well. It can be tiring, but I am assuming anything to do with twins would, so I am hanging in there. I think I am going to start supplementing a little with formula if they are acting like they are still hungry after breastfeeding. I am not against formula at all, but want to try and breastfeed first. They are getting more alert these days and are staying awake longer after feedings. They both still have blue eyes, crossing my fingers! Their daddy's eyes are brown and so are their sisters. Aiden is still more demanding and Barrett is still more laid back. They both love to eat, love to rock and love to be sang too. They both hate getting lotion put on them and getting out of the bath, because they are cold. So far, they both like the swing and the bouncer. Tummy time usually equals nap time, but they don't seem to mind being on their tummies. They love their sister and boy does she love them! I am constantly telling her to get out of their face. She wants to be ALL up in it! LOL Two year olds, gotta love 'em! We are adjusting well, as far as I am aware. We could all probably use some more sleep, but who doesn't when you have a newborn?! These are my last babies, so I am trying to remind myself that there WILL come a day when I miss this. I already miss it sometimes! They are just so sweet.
I am so thankful that the Lord saw me fit to be their mom. I am definitely blessed.