Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pirate Pictures

So, my little boys are a month old already! They are cute as can be. I had pirate hats made for them, they are still big, but they will grow, eventually! I took these pictures out on my porch! Let's just say that taking newborn pictures is a lot of work! I tried to get some of them together, but that just wasn't happening...not by myself anyway! I got individuals of each of them, which I am happy with. Thought I would share my little pirate photo shoot. :)

Aiden is in the red hat, Barrett is in the black hat. I am soaking these little boys in. They are doing great. At their one month check up, Aiden weighed 5lbs 11oz and Barrett weighed 6lbs 3oz. They are both on the same schedule, and are sleeping 3 hours between feedings at night. I am still breastfeeding, and it is going well. It can be tiring, but I am assuming anything to do with twins would, so I am hanging in there. I think I am going to start supplementing a little with formula if they are acting like they are still hungry after breastfeeding. I am not against formula at all, but want to try and breastfeed first. They are getting more alert these days and are staying awake longer after feedings. They both still have blue eyes, crossing my fingers! Their daddy's eyes are brown and so are their sisters. Aiden is still more demanding and Barrett is still more laid back. They both love to eat, love to rock and love to be sang too. They both hate getting lotion put on them and getting out of the bath, because they are cold. So far, they both like the swing and the bouncer. Tummy time usually equals nap time, but they don't seem to mind being on their tummies. They love their sister and boy does she love them! I am constantly telling her to get out of their face. She wants to be ALL up in it! LOL Two year olds, gotta love 'em! We are adjusting well, as far as I am aware. We could all probably use some more sleep, but who doesn't when you have a newborn?! These are my last babies, so I am trying to remind myself that there WILL come a day when I miss this. I already miss it sometimes! They are just so sweet.
I am so thankful that the Lord saw me fit to be their mom. I am definitely blessed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One Month

One month oId! I can't believe it! You guys are still so tiny and cuddly! It's hard to believe that you really should still be in my tummy for another two weeks at this point.
You are the more strong-willed thus far. You are much more demanding and are also stronger. You can lift your head and turn it from side to side. You can stretch your legs out stiff and push off to stand. When you cry, you immediately turn 50 shades of red. I think you will have some what of a temper. You are very alert and are awake much more than your brother. You are nosey and curious and remind me a lot of your sister. When I am trying to take pictures, you are never asleep (also something your sister did). You still don't weigh five pounds yet, but we are working on that. You poop like a man. You sleep 4-5 hour stretches at night. Barrett is usually the one that wakes up crying to eat, and you would just sleep right on through it seems. Breast feeding is going well, and when you have formula, you eat 2 ounces. You eat every 3 hours and 4 to 5 stretches at night. You are still wearing preemie clothes and we are still having to fold down the newborn size diaper so it will fit you. You have the LONGest fingers and arms. Although the preemie clothes are big on you, they are always short in the arms. :)You are sweet and adorable and are so loved.

You are SO laid back. You hardly ever make a noise. You are always sleeping, no matter what crazy position I lay you in. At night, you wake up crying and wanting to eat first, this is the only thing that goes against your "I don't care" attitude. You love having your back rubbed. You are such a cuddle baby. You also poop like a man. Your daddy and I say that you are starting to feel like an actual baby now...so I think your weight may be above five pounds now. You are asleep in almost every picture I take. You love when I wash your hair. You like to lay next to your brother and don't care that he is kicking you all over...I guess you got used to that in the womb. Your name means "bear," we say that you are hibernating. You are also breast feeding well, and when you have formula, you eat 2 ounces. When you wake at night, it has usually been about four hours since the last feeding. This makes mommy very happy. You eat every 3-3/12 hours during the day, and 4 to 5 hours at night. You are still wearing preemie clothes and we are still having to fold down the newborn size diaper so it will fit you. The preemie clothes fit you pretty perfect, but some of them don't fit right in the shoulders. My guess is that you have a longer torso. You are pretty much a noodle and do as little as possible. You are sweet and adorable and are so loved.

I am adjusting quickly to having three children. Wow...THREE! I am not overly tired, but can feel overwhelmed quickly. I love watching Natalee interact with you, although I am very nervous for her to be around you alone. Our friends are still bringing us meals every other day, so that has made this transition a lot easier. I was able to go to the grocery store (first time in almost three months). I have made a few trips here and there without you guys, but have spent the majority of the time in pj's cuddling my babies. Some times I feel sad knowing that you are my last babies...but then I try to think of having any more...and feel happy again. I love that both of you are so tiny and love to cuddle. Natalee wasn't much of a cuddle baby. I am 9 pounds lighter than when I became pregnant with you. Thank you breast feeding and working metabolism. My stomach doesn't look it though...and probably never will. I love that my c-section scar is pretty much non-existent...if it weren't so low down, I'd post a picture. My favorite time is bath time, just as it was with Natalee. I love me some good smelling babies. I am feeling great.

You started back at the Boys Ranch day care with your daddy today. Although I am sad to not have you here, I know that you are having a blast making friends and playing and eating lunch with daddy. This is also allowing me to sleep when your brothers sleep, something that can't be done when you have a two and a half year old. I got up at 11:30 today, besides the 8:30 feeding. It was nice to just sleep. You are only going to BR two days a week, but as the boys get bigger, I will switch it back to one day a week. You love kissing your brothers...like all the time. You are very worried that they are "poopy," and make sure to tell me every time to change their diapers. You love it when they hold on to your hand. You always say, "He's holding my hand!!" You like to play in the floor with them. You look SO big, it makes me cry. You are adjusting well, but have been throwing more fits here lately...understandable...I think we all have. :) You still love your princess stuff and are now obsessed with "weddings" and "getting married." You say that when you grow up, you will marry your daddy...a little dysfunctional, but I am ok with that as of now. You are playing in your room a lot and love to play in the pool. Pink ice cream has been a summer time favorite. You found the markers while mommy was feeding your brothers, the picture below explains it all. You are sweet and adorable and are loved.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home

August 7th:
The boys ended up losing weight, so we had to hold off one more day on the "open crib challenge." Aiden now weighs a tiny 3 pounds 15 ounces and Barrett weighs 4 pounds 7 ounces. They are just so tiny, it is unreal. They have since passed the open crib challenge and will also be doing the car seat challenge today. This is the final test and if it is passed, we should be able to go home tomorrow. :) The car seat challenge lasts two hours long. They have to sit in their car seats all buckled up and ready to go and be able to breath right during the duration of the test. If their little necks fall forward, they won't be able to pick them back up. I am praying that both pass it or both fail it. I cannot stand the thought of only bringing one baby home tomorrow. I am sure they will do fine and all the nurses have said the same thing.
They just look like little dolls!
Barrett on the left, Aiden on the right!

They ended up passing the car seat challenge with no problems at all! As long as they maintain their temperatures all during the night, we get to go home tomorrow for sure! Come on 98.6!! I cannot wait to get out of here and take them home!

August 8th:
The boys did great throughout the night! We are going HOME! We are getting released today! Praise the Lord! I am so thankful for answered prayers. I cannot wait to get my whole family together, at our home, in one place. I have definitely missed my home. All of the nurses have been so good to us and our babies. I have grown close to a couple of them and will actually miss seeing them. I am going to have to bring the boys up for a visit.
These little outfits were HUGE on my babies! They are newborn in size and the little shorts were rolled up three times...and still huge! The polos say "Captain Adorable" and have an anchor on it...perfect for my little pirate boys. I can't believe we are about to go home. A new chapter in the Glover house is about to take flight. So many emotions, so little time! Get ready for picture over load...hey, at least I gave you a warning!

Ok, that wasn't too bad for pictures...I am tired of uploading at the moment! :)
Natalee was so excited to get to actually "see" her brothers for the first time at home, no wires, no robes, no nurses...just brothers. She sat and stared at them for a long while, while talking a million miles a minute. She loves when they "hold her hand" and she is always giving them kisses. She really is super cute. She wants to hold Aiden first every time. She doesn't like to share her brothers with any visitors, and makes sure every one understands that. I can't wait to see them grow (but not too fast, these are my last babies). It is such an amazing feeling to be home. We are blessed.

Monday, August 6, 2012

One Week

The boys are one week old today. :) They are doing very well and are still in the NICU. We are hoping to go home very soon.
Barrett (left) Aiden (right)
Back tracking a bit...bear with me:
August 2nd:
Aiden is off of the IV now and has been breast feeding since 2am! He is maintaining his own body temperature the majority of the time. Barrett will have his IV removed at 2:30am, as long as his blood sugar poke comes back all right. He has also been breast feeding since 2am and is maintaining his own body temperature as well. The boys have to breast feed well for 24 hours straight, and then they will get the feeding tubes in their noses removed. The main thing we are needing prayer about is for them to gain weight. So far, they have both lost weight, which is normal, but is scary with them being preemie, and already tiny to begin with. Aiden is down to 4 pounds 1 ounce and Barrett is down to 4 pounds 8 ounces (down from 4 lbs 6 oz and 5 lbs 2 oz).
August 3rd:
Barrett got his IV removed! Both boys GAINED weight tonight!! They are both looking a little jaundice, Aiden is currently under the lights, and Barrett will be following shortly! I started running a fever, so my doctor is keeping me another night to watch for infection. I am so grateful that I don't have to leave my babies yet. I am dreading the day that this happens and am praying they will come home when I do. They are checking for a UTI and doing some blood work. My doctor will be back on duty in a couple hours, so they are going to wait and see what she wants to do.
I am getting released from my postpartum suite, and am getting moved into a normal room. In other words, I don't have to go home! The boys are doing so well that the nurses are going to go ahead and give me this room so I can continue to breast feed them through the night/day without having to worry about driving back and forth to the hospital from our home. God again is faithful. They only let you have a room like this if they feel that your baby/ies will be released soon. Praying for that day to come quickly! :) I am feeling so blessed to know that I will not have to leave my babies. Thank you Lord for answered prayer.
We also finalized their middle names. This has been such a challenge for us. We couldn't decide whether to name them after family members...and then didn't want feelings hurt if your name wasn't chosen. I kind of want matching middle names, since their first names don't match . I have a lot of men in my life that are important and have had a huge impact on my life. Long story short...it was SO hard to choose. We ended up choosing a family name from each side of our families. Without further hesitation....introducing:
Andrew is my brother's name (John Andrew, but we call him Drew). Andrew also means "strong" which is the same definition as Brian, which is my dads name. Andrew is also my grandfather's fathers middle name (Clifford Andrew). So, one name covered three different people. Arthur is Jeremy's grandfathers name. He has been the only consistent man in my husbands life, so this name is very important to him.
We had three names picked out; Andrew, Arthur and James. James is my grandads' name. We just couldn't make a decision...so we put the names in a cup and drew the best two out of three. I love the names, and ended up getting my matching names after all; both start with "A" and both are six letters long.
Aiden saying, "I'm number one...no really, I was born first."
August 5th:
Both boys are off of the jaundice lights now! They had their first sponge baths and are in their first little onesies. :) The feeding tubes were removed yesterday! I love seeing their sweet faces without any tubes! They are now doing a trial run for the "big boy cribs," the last cribs they have to be moved into before we are sent home. They have to maintain their own body heat in an open crib before they can go home. The first cribs they were in maintained the body temperature for them completely. The cribs they are in now have maintained what they haven't been able to do. So, if they were maintaining 80%, the bed would cover the other 20%. The last crib is just an open crib. The boys will have to do all the work themselves. This is vital to us being sent home. They have to maintain for a full 24 hours before this "test" is passed. So, this could take a day or it could take several.
August 6th:
You guys are one week old today! What a rush it has been. Your short little lives have been filled with pokes and nurses and doctors galore. It has also been filled with love and cuddles and hugs and kisses. Prayers have been spoken, people have visited. Presents have been delivered. One week. It has gone by so fast and so slow all at the same time. Everyone loves you. You both gained weight today, happy one week to me!You are the sweetest boys my eyes have ever seen. We are so blessed to have you here and on track to going home.
Good and perfect indeed...