Well, we had another successful Thanksgiving. Too much food, too much laughter, and too much pie!! Yes, 'food' and 'pie' are in different categories for Thanksgiving day. A lot of my family were missing this year, visiting their spouses' side of the family. We had 54 people last year on our roster (yes, you have to sign in before you can eat!).
Aunt Norma signing in! |
This is a new tradition that we only started last year, but it was so fun to look back and see who all signed in at the "Hammett Family Thanksgiving." As we were looking over the list from last year, we didn't even know one person who was signed in! I hope they (whoever he was) enjoyed Thanksgiving with the Hammetts! (I am pretty sure it was one of my Uncles' buddies...)
There is never a dull moment on Thanksgiving day! We always go over to Papa's house the night before and help "prepare" the turkey...and peel the potatoes! I, on the other hand, don't really do either of these things, I go along for the laughs that are SURE to happen when Papa is in the room. He is such a smartie-pants! I guess when I get to be 76 years old, I can smart off with the best of them too. I wish everyone reading this could "know" my Papa. He is such a special old ornery stinker! I love him with all my heart, and can't believe he will be 77 in February.
Papa...being ornery, I am sure of it! |
Thanksgiving day, for my part of the family, starts at around 9 in the morning. We haul everything over to Papa's house to start preparing the food! I literally do mean everything. That is another thing about Papa, he doesn't own any kitchen utensils, and the ones he may have are older than he is! So, we have to bring everything but the kitchen sink over to his house! The smell of turkey is already in the air when we arrive. Talk about a long 4 hours! You are starving the minute you walk in his house! Everyone else in the family is calling at different times to see when the dinner is going to start. We always say noon, that way, by one o'clock everyone is there to eat! Next year, I think we will tell them 10:30, that way we can eat at noon! :) Who am I to talk? I will be late to my own funeral! The only reason I am on time, is because my mom is the cook! One by one, relatives start to arrive with the dishes that they MUST bring every year. Everyone already knows what is on the menu, before it is even cooked, but none of us would have it any other way!
(and this is only the salads table!) |
We eat, all the girls at one dining room table, all the boys, in the garage (spread out with a LOT of room!). I think next year, girls will eat in the garage!
ALL the girls!
The guys...SOME of them....with TWO other tables, not pictured! LOL |
After the first meal, we sit at the table, and always tell stories...usually the same ones...and always laugh just as hard. Naps are being taken, games are being played, secrets are being told, pies are being destroyed....man am I ever thankFULL! The second meal is better than the first! We heat up what is left, and go to town once again! The second plate is full of stuff that wouldn't fit on your plate the first time around! It's like a whole other Thanksgiving menu! I love it! I made all of the girl cousins matching turkey shirts this year! They turned out so cute! I have since been told that I could have spelt, "acne" and "clean" if we would have had an 'L'....hahaha
Emily, Ammy, Cy, Natalee |
On a serious note, I have SO much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Family, health, shelter, faith, food and the list could go on and on. I am so grateful for the life I live. I wouldn't have it any other way! I love our thanksgiving tradition, and always look forward to this particular time in our crazy Hammett family.
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 107:1 Krystole