Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Promotion Sunday

This past Sunday, June 1st, was promotion Sunday for our sweet Natalee Grace. She was so excited to get to go upstairs in the children's ministry program at Central. I love seeing that look of excitement on her face and in her eyes. She was especially excited because two of her best friends, Lincoln and Madison, are up there. She couldn't wait to get her hands on the two of them! She now will go upstairs for Sunday School and will then come in to "big church" (is there a real name for this?!) with us, through the communion and tithing portion and is then released to go to back upstairs for children's worship. I know all mommy's say in disbelief, "I just can't believe how big she is getting!" That is exactly what I was saying as she waved goodbye from the church pew and held Lincoln's hand to walk out of church. Her golden brown ringlets, dimpled cheeks and sweet brown eyes were beaming with pride as she marched on out, into the big world of the "upstairs." As tears gathered in my eyes, I couldn't help but just reminisce on her first time to be dropped off in the church nursery. I think this year will be year full of tear-filled eyes, as so many milestones will be met. She is now old enough for VBS this summer and will also start official preschool in September. I just can't help but look into her big brown eyes and remember her as a baby. Four years have flown by and I know the rest will too. I am so proud of the little lady she is becoming. God is definitely at work in her little heart and He has blessed me immensely.
PS. I made the little dress she is wearing and am super proud of it! This darling mermaid fabric was purchased at JoAnns and Natalee is over the moon about it. :)



Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

We were very excited to have an extra day to our weekend with our daddy being home. He has recently started a new job (no more long drives out to Boys Ranch!) and this was his first time to get to be off. We enjoyed a nice family weekend, nothing too special. A lot of time was spent outside, including a fun trip to the zoo. On Monday, zoo admission is free, so that was an added bonus. We also had my brother and his fiancé and our great friends Chris and Kaylee over for a cookout and game playing. I am sad that I didn't think to snap any pictures of the cookout! Here are a few pictures from our Memorial Day weekend. Thank you to all who served, past, present and future. This day is really all about you and we appreciate your service and dedication.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Graduation Weekend

So, my baby brother was pinned on Friday, May 9th, in paramedicine. I am  SO proud of him! He has worked so hard an has so many degrees! He continues to work as an EMT in Dalhart, 2 days (24 hour shifts) a week. He now lives here in Amarillo and just bought a house with his soon-to-be wife in July. I am so excited for them and this new journey! She has officially moved here as well (she was in Lubbock) and has gotten a job as a pediatric nurse at BSA. We started this crazy weekend off with Drew's pinning in Amarillo and ended it in Austin, for my sister's graduation. Yea, tons of driving! Here are a few pictures from Drew's pinning.
After the pinning ceremony was over, we got in the car and loaded up for the long drive to Austin. Yes, it was 9:30 at night. We had plans to drive at least to Abilene and to then get up the next morning and finish the drive to Austin, in time for a graduation party that they were throwing for my sister. We rolled in to Abilene around 3am to find out that EVERY hotel was booked. How does that even happen? Oh yes, now I know, because it just so happens that graduations everywhere kinda take place at the end of May. Oops. Travel fail. So, we get on our phones and start calling the next towns to see just how much farther we will have to go before we can call in a night. We found a hotel and it was only an additional 45 minute drive or so. It was a long day and we were all happy to be some place that had a comfy bed. No, really, that hotel had the best bed I had ever slept in!
The morning came, all to soon, and we were off to finish the 2 hour-ish drive to Andrea's parents house. We made it, just a little late and were welcomed with tons of fajitas, friends and family. It was great. For those of you who don't know, I have just been reunited with my sister (it is a beautiful adoption story) about 3 years ago. So, we got to meet all of her family, friends and see where she grew up. It was so special! To top it off, it was also her birthday AND Mother's Day, just like the day she was given up for adoption. What is the likelihood that 30 something years pass by and the first birthday we get to take part in, is set up exactly like her real "birth" day? God is so good. His love is definitely shown throughout the whole story. Anyway, so graduations, birthdays, mother's day, it was a weekend to remember, for sure. Here are a few pictures from Andrea's graduation, who by the way, graduated with her Bachelors in Nursing. I am surrounded by the medical field!
Andrea with her parents, Debbie and Monty.
Andrea with her husband (Jason) and three children, Kelson, Jacee and Bear.
Myself, Andrea and Drew.
Almost a picture of all of us! My husband and twin boys stayed behind in Amarillo.
It would have been too much driving in too little of time for them.
Andrea and my Mom.
Andrea, with the mom who gave her life and the mom who raised her.
Mother's Day 2014
Yep, this pretty much sums us up.

We are blessed.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Interview #4

So, Natalee is four! I decided last year that I would interview her and start ask her the same questions every year, to see how her answers would differ from that of the previous year. I will write them how she said them, because I want to remember her lisp. :) You can look back on her three year old interview if you'd like (Interview #3) and here are her new answers:


What is your favorite show? Elsa
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite food? Alfredo Noodles
How old are you? Four
What does mommy do? Be's the bosth (boss) of me and cleans up the kitchen. Plays with me.
What does daddy do? Plays with me. Goes to work. Takes me to the grocery store. (He ran errands the day before I did this interview and took her with him. He doesn't usually go to the grocery store, although he rocks like that and has done this several times and doesn't mind going.)
What do brothers do? Play in my room and play with me
Where do you live? Austin St, 29th
What is your favorite fruit? Peaches and apples
What is your favorite song? Jesus loves me
What is you favorite drink? Grape Juice
What is you name? Natalee Grace Gwuver (Glover)
What is your mommy's name? Krystole Nickole
What is your daddy's name? Jeremy
What are you brothers' names? Barrett and Aiden
Who are your friends? Lincoln, Madison, Brooklyn, Evie
What is your favorite thing to do? Play barbies and babies and play dough
What do you want to be when you grow up? Elsa or a Princess
What is your favorite toy? Clarice the Reindeer
What is your favorite game? Candyland
What is your favorite snack? Apples, Fruit
What is your favorite animal? Ponies
Who is your best friend? Madison (Lodholm)
What is your favorite cereal? Dora Cereal
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swind and jump on the trampoline
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
What do you take to bed? Gracie (babydoll), Clarice and my ladybug blankies
What do you love for breakfast? Bagels
What do you love for lunch? Sandwiches
When is your birthday? December twenty-ninfth (29th)

So, there you have it. My sweet girl is growing up.